Geraldo Rivera
Hi and welcome to I’m a part-time photographer based in the Chicagoland area and I'm also a freelance art director and graphic designer, at I design and produce various creative content for my clients and my photography work is just another part of that creative service.
After many years of photographing on a variety of projects, both professional and personal, I’ve decided to create this site to showcase my current and future work. My primary focus has been children lifestyle photography, but I’ve also photographed interiors and staff portraits for two of my clients, plus various other interest that you can view if you click on the + symbol. My approach in photographing children is very simple. Let them be who they are and hopefully, for just a brief moment, they will welcome me into their little world so I may capture their essence they've revealed to me.
I welcome you to contact me with any project ideas and any additional information or questions you may have regarding my photography service and rates. I look forward to our future photo session.  
Thanks for visiting.
Geraldo Rivera reserves the right to use any photograph in any form such as, but not limited to, the use in advertising, reproduction, and copyright. All images are copyrighted by Geraldo Rivera, even those you purchase. Copying, scanning or reproducing images is strictly prohibited. Print-screening images from this website is also against the law. All offenders will be prosecuted accordingly. 
By hiring Geraldo Rivera, you agree to these terms.
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